CRISPR/Cas9 with egg electroporation
The CRISPR-EZ (Electroporation of Zygotes) method makes it possible to reduce the effort and time spent on obtaining mice with knocked out (defective) genes.
30.05.2016The CRISPR-EZ (Electroporation of Zygotes) method makes it possible to reduce the effort and time spent on obtaining mice with knocked out (defective) genes.
30.05.2016Molecular biologists were able to overcome the drug resistance of the pancreatic tumor by increasing the content of a certain type of microRNA in malignant cells.
30.05.2016The exact energy level of brain metabolism (42% of normal) required to restore consciousness in comatose patients has been determined.
30.05.2016People are more likely to approve of the appearance of flying cars, "smart homes" or other futurological wonders than biomedical transformations of the body with the help of genetic engineering.
30.05.2016One of the main issues of biogerontology is the correlation between the genetic profile and lifestyle in determining a person's chance of delaying aging and healthy longevity.
27.05.2016The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Probuphine, the first implant for opioid addiction replacement therapy.
27.05.2016The DAEDALUS computer program calculates which nucleotide chains are required to create a given shape. The synthesized oligonucleotides in the solution are themselves assembled into the desired shape.
27.05.2016The Ministry of Health has developed and submitted to the government a bill "On organ donation, parts of human organs and their transplantation".
27.05.2016Avigdor Kahaner is one of the outstanding modern geneticists, the man who bred a breed of chicken without feathers. For this, some cursed him, while others, on the contrary, called him a great scientist.
27.05.2016Cyborgs have been living next to us for many decades. These are ordinary people – but with pacemakers, prosthetic limbs, biosensors or hearing implants.
27.05.2016As part of the HGP-Write: Testing Large Synthetic Genomes in Cells project, scientists hope to develop tools that will push synthetic biology to exponential growth on an industrial scale.
26.05.2016The discovery of a previously unknown central mechanism for regulating glucose levels opens the way to the creation of fundamentally new effective hypoglycemic drugs.
26.05.2016With the help of a bioengineered placenta, it will be possible to find methods of treating preeclampsia – one of the most common causes of severe pregnancy complications.
26.05.2016Microbiologist Konstantin Severinov – on bacterial communication, bioinformatic analysis and transgenic microorganisms.
26.05.2016Biologist Sergey Nuzhdin – about mutations, the first studies of genomic associations and mechanisms of phenotype prediction.
26.05.2016The loss of the Y chromosome in the leukocytes of older men is associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and mortality from other causes, including certain types of cancer.
26.05.2016A group of American scientists is working on the creation of chimera organisms - embryos, one part of which is taken from humans, and the other from animals.
26.05.2016American artist Amy Karl has started growing a hand from stem cells on a 3D-printed frame.
26.05.2016One of the key genes determining the effect of stress and bad or good mood on life expectancy turned out to be ank3, which encodes the protein anikirin 3.
25.05.2016The study should help in finding the most effective and least environmentally harmful means for washing clothes.
25.05.2016You can write to the editor at:
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